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Minister Iswanran stressed that Singapore has a long and multifaceted relationship with China, so it is in the interests of both countries to restore air connections between the two countries in a safe and orderly manner. Vblink Agent Login, On the occasion of Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha attending the 53rd World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (WEF 53) in Davos (Switzerland) on January 16-17, the Vietnam News Agency correspondent in Switzerland had an interview with Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai, Head of the Vietnamese Delegation in Geneva, about the content and meaning of this event as well as the contributions of the Vietnamese delegation at the conference.

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Appreciating the efforts of the people over the past time, the active participation, as well as the material and spiritual contributions to the activities towards the homeland, the Standing Vice President wishes that the Vietnamese community in the West Spain, despite its small size, always promotes the spirit of solidarity and mutual care, abides by the laws of the host country, beautifies the image of the country and people of Vietnam in the eyes of international friends, and enhances teaching Vietnamese to generations of overseas Vietnamese children and continuing to contribute wholeheartedly and intellectually to the development of the country. magic pearl slot machine, According to CPP President Hun Sen, the victory on January 7 ended the dark era and ushered in a new era of Cambodia, an era of independence, freedom, democracy and social progress, regaining birth. life for millions of people, bringing back all the freedoms that were completely taken away under Pol Pot's regime to the Cambodian people, especially the right to life, helping to revive the material and spiritual values that were cultivated in the millennial history of the Cambodian nation.

After Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the 0-VND Tet Market will continue to be held in Binh Duong and Ha Tinh provinces to bring a cozy Tet to disadvantaged families. In addition, through the Charity Tet Fund, more than 2,000 Chung cakes will also be donated by the Vietnam Red Cross to students, students, homeless people, and freelance workers who cannot return to their hometown to celebrate Tet in New Year. Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. vblink777 hack Dubai Palace's foreign relations witnessed many strong developments such as establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership with the United States and India; agreed in principle to upgrade relations with Canada and noted many other proposals.