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The Governor said that when the exchange rate was stabilized again and with the condition that inflation slows down, in the first months of the year, the State Bank was very drastic and adjusted 3 times the interest rate management level, bringing the interest rates of new loans decreased by about 0.9% on average compared to the end of 2021.; Vblink App, The EC notice assessed that “the merger does not reduce competition in the market. Not to mention, the upcoming bank will also face pressure from other global competitors, including the world's major banks."

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Presenting the verification report, Chairman of the Economic Committee of the National Assembly Vu Hong Thanh proposed to clarify the basis of the proposed ratios as in the draft law; clearly assess the status of share ownership in credit institutions to clearly determine the extent and cause of cross-ownership in order to propose radical and thorough solutions and handle the current cross-ownership situation. now. Vpower/Vblink, In Ho Chi Minh City, from June 1, Truong Hung Minh stage launched the play "The Secret of One Hundred Bamboo Burners" by author and director Huynh Lap, inspired by the fairy tale "The hundred bamboo trees". burn."

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Among them, 60% of users complained that the prices on the Apple Store were quite high compared to the prices of retail chains and another 5% commented that the Apple Store was a price reference channel. orionstars casino According to him, this is the common success of both Vietnam and Australia. The visit shows that Australia attaches special importance to Vietnam's position and considers Vietnam a very important and reliable partner. The visit also reflects the success of Vietnam's Foreign Policy, creating favorable conditions for Vietnam's external relations with countries around the world.