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The master plan must ensure the initiative, flexibility in operation, meet the requirements of socio-economic development and ensure security and defense of the country in the period from now to 2030 and a vision to 2020. 2050, in which closely following the direction of the Politburo's Resolutions and the National Assembly's Resolution No. 81/2023/QH15 is On the basis of orientations and socio-economic development needs of the region and locality, to study and propose the construction of specialized airports associated with large-scale production areas and tourist centers; make full use and quickly restore old airports, military airports serving dual-use." Vblink Online Casino, In the context of falling bank interest rates, in recent sessions, key banking stocks continuously increased strongly, which was the main driving force for Vietnam's stock indexes to go up .

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According to the Ministry of Health, when transferring COVID-19 to a group B infectious disease, the Ministry of Health, the People's Committees; and the provinces and cities base on the actual situation of the COVID-19 epidemic to make the announcement. translated in accordance with current law. ultra panda download link, The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said the International Organization for Migration (IOM) had made the figure based on preliminary reports from missions in the field. OCHA affirms that it is working with partners to continue to provide humanitarian assistance to the best of its ability.

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